
AWS Lambdas to forward ALB/CloudFront/etc logs to Elasticsearch Service

Primary LanguagePython

S3 to ES

Build Status

A Serverless Framework application to help ingest the following S3 logs into Elasticsearch Service:

  • ALB access logs
  • CloudFront access logs
  • CloudTrail logs

It's easy to add other formats as well.

S3 Bucket ---(object creation notifications)---> Lambda ---(HTTPS POST)---> Elasticsearch Service

This repository implements the Lambda functions in the above diagram. You have to supply your own:

  • S3 Buckets
    • S3 event mappings
  • Elasticsearch Service domain
    • (Using a non-AWS ES cluster will work, but you'll have to modify the Lambda's authentication process.)


  1. Clone this repository
  2. npm install
  3. Create serverless-variables.yml
  4. Deploy the stack: npx serverless deploy --region us-west-2
    1. If you get strange Python dependency errors, run this command from within the Pipenv's virtualenv (eg pipenv shell).
  5. Add event triggers for your S3 buckets to trigger the correct Lambda function. The function ARNs are available in SSM Parameter Store under the /s3-to-es/handlers/ prefix.


General logic is:

  1. Get a line iterator of the source file
  2. Convert every line into an ES document (Python dict) with a source-type-specific transform function
  3. Upload the ES documents in batches to the ES cluster

The lambda handler lives in handler.py and figures out the log type it supports at startup. The transformation function is from alb.py/cloudfront.py/etc, and the heavy lifting is performed by all the code in common.py.

Adding support for a new log format

  1. Write two Python functions:
    1. See cloudfront.py for examples.
    2. A function that checks the S3 object name and returns True if if should be processed.
      1. Prevent processing random files, log delivery tests, digests, etc.
    3. A function that transforms the log file into ES documents one line at a time.
      1. Fields _index, _type are required.
      2. Use the Elastic Common Schema to detemine appropriate field names.
    4. Add tests for the above in tests/
  2. Import these functions into handler.py and add a mapping based on LOG_TYPE environment variable.
  3. Add the following to serverless.yml:
    1. New entry under functions
    2. New AWS::Lambda::Permission resource. Use AlbHandlerFunctionPolicy as a template.
    3. New AWS::SSM::Parameter resource. Use AlbHandlerParameter as a template.
  4. Deploy and test your code.