
email template change_password not updating

palatisampath opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to update the email template change_password, but its not getting updated when viewed in auth0, whereas blocked_email_template is getting updated and can see the changes in auth0. So not sure whats the issue

Here is my resource config file:
resource "auth0_email_template" "change_password_email_template" {
template = "change_password"
from = var.NO_REPLY_EMAIL
subject = "{% if user.email_verified %} Reset your org account {% else %} Verify your email address {% endif %} in {{tenant}}"
body = file("./change_password_email_template.html")
result_url = ""
url_lifetime_in_seconds = 86400
syntax = "liquid"
enabled = true
depends_on = [auth0_email.aws_email_provider]

I had the same issue and I found setting template to "reset_email" worked.

Hey @palatisampath apologies for the late reply on this issue. As @louisa-ba mentions setting the template to reset_email should help.

I'll be closing this issue down but in case of encountering another one please open a new issuer at as this provider has been moved under the Auth0 Org.