Will I be notified when the album is actually released?
Opened this issue · 4 comments
Dexterprog commented
I joined this site a couple of weeks ago because I was looking to be notified about released albums (and not albums being released in 1 or 2 months). I want to know if I will be notified again when bands I like release new albums
aruhier commented
Yeah, it would be great to have an option for each account that would allow to hide in the releases the ones which are not released (and hide it in the RSS feed too).
pwmcmaho commented
- 100 ... I love getting notified about future releases (for some bands) ... but for most, I just want to know a day or two before the actual release ... not months in advance :-)
flooguu commented
This would be a great feature!
PurelyNicole commented
This would be a cool feature. I'm sure those of you asking for it are like me and forget if it is too far in advance. To get around that, what I do is use IFTTT to add a release to my Google Calendar when it is announced.
To do this:
- Go to IFTTT
- Create an account or login.
- Click your profile, and select "Create"
- Click "this" and search for "RSS Feed"
- Select "New Feed Item"
- Paste your Muspy URL and click OK
- Click "that"
- Search for the calendar service of your choice (I use Google Calendar, so the rest of the instructions are for that)
- Select "Create Detailed Event"
- Select the calendar you want the information on (I created one just for this purpose called New Releases)
- Set the start and end time to EntryPublished
- Set All Day to true
- Set Title to EntryTitle
- Set the Description to anything you want. I use:
via {{FeedTitle}} {{FeedUrl}}<br>
- You can then set alerts in your Google Calendar about when you want to be notified.