
Ability to save preferences

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I've been unable to save preferences on Mac (running 13.2.1) even in the config file (~/.config/spek/preferences).

Is that a potential feature coming soon, or a work around available?

Trying to set up as:

channel 1 / 2, W:2048, F:Hann

with the original palette from 0.8.2. I'll attach a screenshot of the default I'd like to set.

Screenshot 2023-03-18 at 6 25 23 PM

It would be very nice to have ability to set original color palette as default in preferences file. And store window position, size (maximized) and other settings (DFT window function, size, dynamic range)

Spek definitely needs to have the ability to remember settings! This may have been a non-issue before when only dynamic range could be changed, but now that several other things can be customized, losing custom settings after closing the program is just absurd.