
Use resolv.conf from host machine

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Currently any operation involving dns will fail:

$ jhbuild run xdg-app run --devel --command=bash org.gnome.GEdit                                                                                                                                        
bash-4.3$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
cat: /etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory

This breaks some gnome apps e.g. Dictionary

This is a build/install issue on your side. xdg-app contains a dbus service (xdg-app-session.service) which if installed is started by xdg-app when it starts an app. This service maintains an up-to-date copy of resolv.conf in a /run/user/1000/xdg-app-monitor/ which is used by the xdg-app runtime via a symlink.

You need to ensure that your session dbus daemon finds the service file, or manually start the helper.