xdg-app add-remote --gpg-import=something.gpg succeeds even when the gpg file could not be found
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murraycu commented
If I forget to download the gpg key, and then do, for instance:
$ xdg-app add-remote --user --gpg-import=prefixsuffix.gpg prefixsuffix https://murraycu.github.io/prefixsuffix/repo/
I will see this error message, which could be more specific:
error: Error opening file: No such file or directory
When I then download the GPG file and try again, I see:
error: Remote configuration for "prefixsuffix" already exists: /home/murrayc/.local/share/xdg-app/repo/config
so I have to
$ xdg-app delete-remote --user prefixsuffix
and then do it again.
So I guess the error didn't really stop the add-remote operation.
I might get around to fixing this myself at some point.