
Maven archetype for creating Tycho projects

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


A Maven Archetype that can be used to generate the architecture of a Tycho project. Then you can use maven to manage eclipse RCP project.

Sample project

This repository contains a sample project that can be looked up to see how a project generated by this archetype looks like. This project is a fork from echebbi/kazejiyu-tycho-archetype, thank you for your wheel.


As any other archetype, the Tycho Archetype can be used from the command line. It is identified by the following properties:

Property Value
Group ID com.github.alexmao86
Artifact ID eclipse-tycho-archetype

Now it is not in centre repo, you need to clone repo and do clone this repository then install the archetype in your local installation by typing mvn install

Type the following command to use the archetype and to start the generation of a new project:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local

Generated files

The archetype follows Lars Vogel advices on how a Tycho project should be structured. More specifically, it generates the following architecture:

│   pom.xml
├───.mvn //pomless config
│       extensions.xml
├───bundles //folder to place plugin projects
│       pom.xml
├───features //folder to place feature projects
│       pom.xml
├───releng //the release engine folder
│   │   pom.xml
│   │
│   ├───<artifactId>.product //demo RCP product
│   │       .project
│   │       artifactId.rcp.product
│   │       README.md
│   │       pom.xml
│   │
│   ├───<artifactId>.update //update site p2
│   │       .project
│   │       category.xml
│   │       category2.xml.sources
│   │       README.md
│   │       pom.xml
│   │
│   └───<artifactId>.target
│           .project
│           <artifactId>..target.target
│           eclipse-mars.target //pre configed mars target, you can switch it
│           eclipse-neon.target //pre configed mars target, you can switch it
│           pom.xml
│           README.md