
Unofficial Maintenance Release(s)...

Opened this issue · 2 comments

For the past few days i've worked on some more up to date builds of Sanear, as nothing i have found beats it's low latencies when used with motion interpolation and audio-stretching...

Everything appears to be working correctly, but i can't be sure yet; so if anyone wants to test it out and reports back any regressions, i can have a look. At least if it's something my changes caused, i should be able to figure out how to reverse it.
I'm not sure if or how often i will be making updates to this, but let me know if i forgot about anything.

I'm not quite sure how to handle the licensing of Sanear's various dependencies as github basically only lists one license per project, plus i've been having trouble with compiling things via github's linking mechanism, so i'll just put the full source up on another site instead of updating to my own fork(s). So here:

v0.3.1.3 (Unofficial) - 2022/01/24

  • Updated to the latest bugfixed code from clsid2's mpc-hc fork (again).
    • Note that due to changes in the code maintained by clsid2, 'Bitstreaming' is now always allowed regardless of 'Exclusive WASAPI' mode; thus i've also removed the tray/registry toggling/handling for it.
  • Updated Rubber Band Library to v2.0.1 release.
  • Updated SoundTouch to stable v2.3.1 release.
  • Updated fftw3 to official v3.3.10 release.
  • Updated SoXr to unofficial v0.1.3-1[feace70] (from
  • Little bit of code cleanup, speed optimization tweaks applied in compiler options, MSVC17/MSVC++17 & MSVC17/MSVC++20 binary build variants available.
    • The whole project can now be compiled using C/C++ 17 Language Standards & v143 Platform Toolset.
    • Old Microsoft BaseClasses code causes problems with C/C++19/20 compilation, however '/permissive' switch can be used on 'baseclasses', 'sanear' & 'sanear-dll' as a workaround for making experimental C++20 builds.

v0.3.1.2 (Unofficial) - 2021/07/10

  • Fixed a crash issue resulting from setting SoXr C++ Language Standard too high.
  • Updated to custom compile of fftw3 v3.3.10 code from github. (Enabled flags for sse2 & openmp in addition to the defaults.)
  • Changed default filenames from '' & '' to '' & ''
  • Revised, cleaned up and added comments to my edits.

v0.3.1.1 (Unofficial) - 2021/06/06

  • To get fftw3 v3.3.9 working i also had to revert #Include and SIMD_HEADER paths back to the old format (of no paths specified).
  • Forgot to meantion that i updated SoundTouch to v2.3pre. Had no problems whatsoever with that one. :-)
  • Updated Rubber Band Library to v1.9.1. Almost didn't find the updated version, otherwise same as above; just copy and paste :-)
  • Updated Version String; forgot about that last time around.

v0.3.1.0 (Unofficial) - 2021/06/04

  • Updated to latest bugfixed code from clsid2's mpc-hc fork.

  • Upgraded project files to newest Visual Studio, Toolset & newer C/C++ Standards.

  • Fixed typos in 'OuterFilter.cpp' & 'TrayWindow.cpp' from 'Ouput' -> 'Output' to get rid of some compile errors.

  • Commented out some seemingly outdated workarounds in rubberband's 'float_cast.h' to avoid errors.

  • Got SoXr v1.3 to compile by doing various small edits to 'soxr.vcxproj'.

    • Also tried the Commit from TheFireKahuna's Pull Request, but it caused crash on load with the updated code, so i had to revert it.

Sanear Audio Renderer Unofficial Updated Builds:

Sanear Audio Renderer Unofficial Updated Debug Build:

Sanear Audio Renderer Unofficial Updated Source Code:

For the time being, optimized C++17 builds are recommended, but i've included experimental C++20 builds as well and have really no idea which are better.

I probably won't be making any more builds for quite some time, but feel free to make requests if/when something needs updating...

@Nuihc88, no builds in year 2022? sanear- still good to go then?

no builds in year 2022? sanear- still good to go then?

Last change to clsid2's Sanear code was about 12 months ago and there hasn't been a whole lot of changes to the external libraries either; Since the January 2022 build, only Rubber Band Library has gone up in stable version number from (v2.0.1 to v3.1.1), in the process trading some performance for quality for it's default behavior.

PS. I'll probably wait a few more months before making another update, i'll also try to see if i can make an option toggle for the Performance/Quality trade-off.