SF Movie Map


  • Download
  • Install Dependencies (npm / gem)
  • Run local server

Technology Stack

Area Software
Front-end React / Redux
Backend Rails 5.0

Why I chose Redux / Getting started with the Front-end

I am currently working on project to create a Redux CLI and framework so I jumped at a chance to continue to use and test out my project in a real world environment.

Beyond that this project lends itself to a single page framework so a javascript front-end was an easy decision.

Why I chose Rails / Getting started with the Back-end

Originally my idea was to go with no back end and allow a simple API call to provide the data for the session that would then me manipulated throughout. The problem arose when seeking to work with Google Maps API geocode limit of 2500 per month (clearly impossible for the structure I had in mind). So I pivoted to rails deployment for the backend allowing me download the data run it through a batch geocoding service online and then write a simple rake task to import.

  desc "This task uploads locations"

  task :upload_database => :environment do
    require 'csv'

    puts "Setting Database..."

    csv_text = File.read('db/locations.csv', :encoding => 'iso-8859-1')
    csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true)
    csv.each do |row|

    puts "done."

Outside Code


A highly configurable jquery autocomplete plugin. Allowing me to really leverage the time I had on this project.