
OOP PHP Integration for SmartBots

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Smartbots PHP API

This API kit has been created from scratch to ease development of your online web services which integrate with SmartBots for SecondLife.

To get started with this API, you will first need to know the basics of PHP programming. This documentation uses some terms which are specific to Object Orientated PHP programming, so it may be best to freshen yourself up on the terminology before continuing.

To begin, you will first need to create a blank .php file and include the 'smartbots_api.php' file.

	include("smartbots_api.php"); // Include the SmartBots API file.

Next, we will need to define your SmartBots Developer API key, your bot's name and access code so that it's easier to use them later.

$apiKey        = "e40e365171a99nl05bdmd697273b573t"; // SmartBots API Key.
$botName       = "Example Resident"; // The bot's full name.
$botAccessCode = "KbYpnfa"; // The bot's access code.

If you're not familiar with Object-Orientated PHP, the next section may look a little strange, however follow the instructions and all should be clear.

Now we will create the $bot variable and instansiate a new SmartBot() class so that we can begin making our bot function.

$bot = new SmartBot(); // Instansiate a new SmartBot class.

To let the SmartBots API know what bot we are going to be controlling, we now need to use the setup() method/function to enter in the variables we created earlier. The setup process returns TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether or not it was successful, meaning that you would use it within an 'if' statement if you wanted.

$bot->setup($apiKey, $botName, $botAccessCode); // Pass the setup variables to the API.

Your SmartBot is now connected to the API and is ready to accept some awesome functions! At the end of this section, your code could look a little something like this:

	include("smartbots_api.php"); // Include the SmartBots API file.
	$apiKey        = "e40e365171a99nl05bdmd697273b573t"; // SmartBots API Key.
	$botName       = "Example Resident"; // The bot's full name.
	$botAccessCode = "KbYpnfa"; // The bot's access code.
	$bot = new SmartBot(); // Instansiate a new SmartBot class.
	$bot->setup($apiKey, $botName, $botAccessCode); // Pass the setup variables to the API.

We've made it really easy to perform actions with your SmartBot, for example it's as simple as $bot->login(); to log in your bot! We'll take a look at all of the different actions and the different ways in which you can use them below:

To send an Instant Message from your bot, you use the im() method on your $bot variable. For example the below will send an IM to GTASkinCentral Resident with a message of "Hello world!".

$bot->im("GTASkinCentral Resident", "Hello World!"); // Send an IM to GTASkinCentral Resident.

If you need to see the response that the bot gives after the action has been executed, it's as simple as calling the response() method. This method returns the result as an array, however if you would like the raw string format, directly from the SmartBots server, simply use response(TRUE) instead.

print_r($bot->response()); // Get the bot's response in array format.
Array (
	[result] => OK
	[action] => im

or in string format

echo $bot->response(TRUE); // Get the bot's response in query string format.

Again, we can use a simple 'if' statement to see if an acton was successful or not. This is done by checking whether or not the 'result' parameter in the response is set to TRUE or FALSE.

if($bot->im("GTASkinCentral Resident", "Hello World!") == TRUE) { // If the action was successful.
	echo "Success!".
} else { // If the action failed.
	echo "Fail!".

As you may be aware, SmartBots also has a number of commands which return a lot of information. For example, to find out an avatar's name from their UUID or key, you can use the key2name() method. You can also pass in custom variables this way. All methods accept one custom variable at the end of the action's default variables (see below).

$bot->key2name("4d9ce772-d3ee-4cce-9555-bfb06ffcb228", "Custom Text"); // Send the key2name command.
print_r($bot->response()); // Print the result.
Array (
	[action] => key2name
	[result] => OK
	[key] => 4d9ce772-d3ee-4cce-9555-bfb06ffcb228
	[name] => gtaskincentral resident
	[custom] => Custom Text

Your SmartBot is now able to accept commands from you! At the end of this section, your code could look a little something like this:

	include("smartbots_api.php"); // Include the SmartBots API file.

	$apiKey        = "e40e365171a99nl05bdmd697273b573t"; // SmartBots API Key.
	$botName       = "Example Resident"; // The bot's full name.
	$botAccessCode = "KbYpnfa"; // The bot's access code.

	$bot = new SmartBot(); // Instansiate a new SmartBot class.
	$bot->setup($apiKey, $botName, $botAccessCode); // Pass the setup variables to the API.

	$bot->im("GTASkinCentral Resident", "Hello World!"); // Send an IM to GTASkinCentral Resident.

	$bot->key2name("4d9ce772-d3ee-4cce-9555-bfb06ffcb228", "Custom Text"); // Send the key2name command.
	print_r($bot->response()); // Print the result.

If you're familiar with Object-Orientated PHP, you've most likely already worked this out, however you can actually have multiple bots interacting with each other at once, in one single script! The below code demonstrates how two bots will IM each other, and then echo their responses to the screen!

	include("smartbots_api.php"); // Include the SmartBots API file.

	$apiKey = "e40e365171a99nl05bdmd697273b573t"; // SmartBots API Key.

	/* Bot Number 1 */
	$bot1_Name       = "Example Resident"; // The bot's full name.
	$bot1_AccessCode = "KbYpnfa"; // The bot's access code.

	/* Bot Number 2 */
	$bot2_Name       = "Awesome Linden"; // The bot's full name.
	$bot2_AccessCode = "f9xH9oD"; // The bot's access code.

	/* Instansiate Bot 1 */
	$bot1 = new SmartBot(); // Instansiate a new SmartBot class.
	$bot1->setup($apiKey, $bot1_Name, $bot1_AccessCode); // Pass the setup variables to the API.

	/* Instansiate Bot 2 */
	$bot2 = new SmartBot(); // Instansiate a new SmartBot class.
	$bot2->setup($apiKey, $bot2_Name, $bot2_AccessCode); // Pass the setup variables to the API.

	/* Send the IMs */
	$bot1->im($bot2_Name, "Hello bot number two!"); // Send an IM.
	$bot2->im($bot1_Name, "Hello bot number one!"); // Send an IM.

	echo "Bot 1 returned '" . $bot1->response(TRUE) . "'<br>"; // Print the result from Bot 1.
	echo "Bot 2 returned '" . $bot2->response(TRUE) . "'<br>"; // Print the result from Bot 2.

This section shows all of the available actions which you can use with this API. Currently, all API actions available from SmartBots can be used with this API.

  • indicates a required parameter, the command will not work if this paramater is left empty.
Action Method
login login( region*, custom );
logout logout( custom* );
set_http_callback set_http_callback( url, events*, custom );
activate_group activate_group( uuid*, custom );
attachment_touch attachment_touch( objectname*, linkset*, custom );
attachments attachments( skipnames, matchnames, matchuuid, custom );
avatar_groups avatar_groups( avatar*, skipnames, matchnames, matchuuid, custom );
avatar_picks avatar_picks( avatar*, skipnames, matchnames, matchuuid, custom );
get_balance get_balance( custom );
give_inventory give_inventory( avatar*, object*, custom );
give_money give_money( avatar*, amount*, comment, custom );
give_money_object give_money_object( object_uuid*, amount*, object_name, custom );
group_eject group_eject( avatar*, groupuuid*, custom );
group_invite group_invite( avatar*, groupuuid*, roleuuid*, check_membership, message, custom );
group_join group_join( groupuuid*, custom );
group_leave group_leave( groupuuid*, custom );
im im( slname*, message*, custom );
key2name key2name( key*, request_case, custom );
list_group_roles list_group_roles( groupuuid*, custom );
listgroups listgroups( custom );
listinventory listinventory( uuid, extended, custom );
move move( instruction*, param1*, custom );
name2key name2key( name*, request_case, custom );
offer_friendship offer_friendship( avatar*, message, custom );
offer_teleport offer_teleport( avatar*, message, custom );
parcel_info parcel_info( x, y, getvalue, custom );
rebake rebake( custom );
reply_dialog reply_dialog( channel*, object*, button*, custom );
say_chat_channel say_chat_channel( channel*, message*, custom );
send_group_im send_group_im( groupuuid*, message*, custom );
send_notice send_notice( groupuuid*, subject*, text*, attachment, custom );
setrole setrole( groupuuid*, roleuuid*, member*, custom );
sit sit( uuid*, save, custom );
takeoff takeoff( uuid*, custom );
teleport teleport( location*, custom );
touch_prim touch_prim( uuid*, custom );
touch_prim_coord touch_prim_coord( x*, y*, z*, precision, custom );
wear wear( uuid*, custom );