
Window Problems encountered playing locally encrypted m3u8 files

xujianfen opened this issue · 0 comments

When I play the local m3u8 file, the file separator will be escaped, resulting in the inability to find the ts and key files.
For example,

  1. D:\localhost\test0.ts will prompt ”main demux error: no suitable access module for `d://%5Clocalhost%5Ctest0.ts'“, .
  2. test0.ts will prompt ”file:///test0.ts"
    I can only use ”file:///D:/localhost/test0.ts“,But in that case, I will have problems using ffmpeg.
    The same problem will occur with the KeyUrl path. I haven't found a matching format yet.
    How should I solve them?
    Also, I would like to ask if it is possible to support opening locally encrypted key files.