0.2.4: testing fails
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I'm running littleutils tests and I found that testing failed:
py39: commands[0]> python littleutils/__init__.py
File "/tmp/littleutils-0.2.4/littleutils/__init__.py", line 277, in __main__.timer
Failed example:
with timer(description='Doing', log=PrintingLogger()):
sleep(0.3) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Doing took 0.3... seconds
Doing took 0.29993605613708496 seconds
1 items had failures:
1 of 3 in __main__.timer
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
py39: exit 1 (0.89 seconds) /tmp/littleutils-0.2.4> python littleutils/__init__.py pid=24445
py39: FAIL code 1 (0.94=setup[0.06]+cmd[0.89] seconds)
evaluation failed :( (1.92 seconds)
This is regression from version 0.2.2 where testing passed.
The issue seems to be not directly related to littleutils
. The testing for 0.2.2
passed when I previously tried it (Feb 2023) but now it fails the same way as for 0.2.4
. So apparently the problem is in something else in the environment.
def timer(description='Operation', log=None):
Simple context manager which logs (if log is provided)
or prints the time taken in seconds for the block to complete.
>>> with timer():
... sleep(0.1) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Operation took 0.1... seconds
>>> with timer('Sleeping'):
... sleep(0.2) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Sleeping took 0.2... seconds
>>> with timer(description='Doing', log=PrintingLogger()):
... sleep(0.3) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
Doing took 0.3... seconds
start = time()
elapsed = time() - start
message = '%s took %s seconds' % (description, elapsed)
(print if log is None else log.info)(message)
If time.time
says that time.sleep(0.3)
took less than 0.3 seconds, sounds like a problem with time.time
or time.sleep
Maybe the problem is related to floating point changes in GCC 13. See https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/ICU-22629 for more details. Python (version 3.9.19) is compiled using GCC 13 here without the -fexcess-precision=fast
BTW, the test failure is always reproducible.
The excess precision is probably not related because Python use C++ rarely. I identified these C++ sources in Python 3.9.19 tree only:
and all of them seems to be Windows specific.