
0.2.4: testing fails

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I'm running littleutils tests and I found that testing failed:

py39: commands[0]> python littleutils/
File "/tmp/littleutils-0.2.4/littleutils/", line 277, in __main__.timer
Failed example:
    with timer(description='Doing', log=PrintingLogger()):
       sleep(0.3)               # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    Doing took 0.3... seconds
    Doing took 0.29993605613708496 seconds
1 items had failures:
   1 of   3 in __main__.timer
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
py39: exit 1 (0.89 seconds) /tmp/littleutils-0.2.4> python littleutils/ pid=24445
  py39: FAIL code 1 (0.94=setup[0.06]+cmd[0.89] seconds)
  evaluation failed :( (1.92 seconds)

This is regression from version 0.2.2 where testing passed.

The issue seems to be not directly related to littleutils. The testing for 0.2.2 passed when I previously tried it (Feb 2023) but now it fails the same way as for 0.2.4. So apparently the problem is in something else in the environment.

def timer(description='Operation', log=None):
    Simple context manager which logs (if log is provided)
    or prints the time taken in seconds for the block to complete.

    >>> with timer():
    ...    sleep(0.1)               # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    Operation took 0.1... seconds

    >>> with timer('Sleeping'):
    ...    sleep(0.2)               # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    Sleeping took 0.2... seconds

    >>> with timer(description='Doing', log=PrintingLogger()):
    ...    sleep(0.3)               # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    Doing took 0.3... seconds


    start = time()
    elapsed = time() - start
    message = '%s took %s seconds' % (description, elapsed)
    (print if log is None else

If time.time says that time.sleep(0.3) took less than 0.3 seconds, sounds like a problem with time.time or time.sleep.

Maybe the problem is related to floating point changes in GCC 13. See for more details. Python (version 3.9.19) is compiled using GCC 13 here without the -fexcess-precision=fast flag.

BTW, the test failure is always reproducible.

The excess precision is probably not related because Python use C++ rarely. I identified these C++ sources in Python 3.9.19 tree only:


and all of them seems to be Windows specific.