snoop exist in a for loop after 10 iterations
syedidiflipt opened this issue · 3 comments
syedidiflipt commented
I am using snoop and its very useful
I have a list variable of 20k items. I just want to see the tracing for few iterations only.
def mapping(inputlist):
testing = {}
for eachDict in inputlist:
for k, v in eachDict.items():
testing[k] = v
# <------- want to exist snoop after 5 iterations
# <------- want to exist snoop after 10 iterations
return testing
HOw can i achieve the above thing
alexmojaki commented
import snoop
import contextlib
def mapping(inputlist):
for i, eachDict in enumerate(inputlist):
context = snoop if i < 3 else contextlib.nullcontext()
with context:
mapping([{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}, {'c': 3}, {'d': 4}, {'e': 5}])
import snoop
def foo(d):
return len(d)
foo_snooped = snoop(foo)
def mapping(inputlist):
for i, eachDict in enumerate(inputlist):
f = foo_snooped if i < 3 else foo
mapping([{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}, {'c': 3}, {'d': 4}, {'e': 5}])
syedidiflipt commented
how to avoid snoop for few lines of code within with snoop:
or @snoop
alexmojaki commented
Extract those few lines to a new function?