
compile .jade to .html, but with JavaScript code inside

ericwangqing opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to use jade instead of html in the tutorial of, but it didn't work. I found that unlike a *.html template which had been compiled to a *.html.js file, a *.jade temlplate been compiled to a *.html file but with JavaScript inside.

This is not a bug or an issue. It is a feature of this package.

Just in case you didn't know:

  • When you use this package your JADE files must have the .ng.jade extension. Did you do that?
  • Then, once compiled by JADE, in your AngularJS code you will be able to refer to each file by its name, but with a .html extension. For example client/ becomes client/myfile.html.

Is there any specific reason you are expecting the extensions to be .html.js?