Python Instapy

A Python package - Instapy

Contains modules with functions to apply filters to images.

The package contains different modules for different implementations; numpy, numba and plain Python.

Required dependencies and packages


  • python 3.8
  • pip 20.1.1

Python packages

  • numpy 1.18.5
  • pytest 5.4.3

Install required packages using:

pip install numpy, pytest


Package info

Subpackage "filters" contains modules and functions implemented for grayscale filter and sepia filter, utilizing numpy for image array arithmetics.


Install instapy using:

pip install .

from directory where is located.

How to run scripts

After installing instapy (see instapy installation section), the instapy package is accessible system wide.

To access the package from within another python script, use:

import instapy

To access the package from shell, use:

instapy [-h] -f FILE (-se | -g) [-ef EFFECT] [-sc SCALE] [-i {numpy,numba,python}] [-d] [-o OUT]

How to run tests

Run pytest using:


from directory where is located.

Additional comments

Grayscale functions:

  • matplotlib.pyplt seems to have trouble displaying images of shape (H, W), without a channel-array. In order to display the images properly, I let the shape of gray image arrays be (H, W, C), with C = 3, filling all channels with the grayscale value, instead of having gray image arrays be just shaped (H, W).


  • Initialization file for pytest. Sets flag -p no:warnings, to bypass pytest internal deprecation warning (when using custom packages)