
ReGaHss: ERROR: XMLRPC 'getValue' call failed

steilerDev opened this issue · 2 comments


I've been using HomematicIP with piVCCU for quite some time and I love the project and great work that has been put in! Also the solution - so far - has been rock solid and very reliable.

However over night, for some reason, the CCU went offline. After some reboots of my whole stack (piVCCU + openHAB 3) I was able to get the system back online and operational. However the logs (path on the host /tmp/pivccu-var/log/messages) is still creating a significant amount of errors when navigating the WebUI (very specifically when going to the rooms and navigate them):

Apr  1 08:14:39 ccu3-webui local0.warn ReGaHss: WARNING: XMLRPC 'getValue': rpcClient.isFault() failed (url: xmlrpc://, params: {"0000DBE9953412:1","STATE"}, result: [faultCode:-5,faultString:"Unknown Parameter value for value key: STATE"]) [CallXmlrpcMethod():iseXmlRpc.cpp:2608]
Apr  1 08:14:39 ccu3-webui local0.err ReGaHss: ERROR: XMLRPC 'getValue' call failed (interface: 1009, params: {"0000DBE9953412:1","STATE"}) [CallGetValue():iseXmlRpc.cpp:1435]
Apr  1 08:14:39 ccu3-webui local0.err ReGaHss: ERROR: CallGetValue failed; sVal = 0 [ReadValue():iseDOMdpHSS.cpp:124]
Apr  1 08:14:39 ccu3-webui local0.warn ReGaHss: WARNING: XMLRPC 'getValue': rpcClient.isFault() failed (url: xmlrpc://, params: {"0000DD898C6640:1","STATE"}, result: [faultCode:-5,faultString:"Unknown Parameter value for value key: STATE"]) [CallXmlrpcMethod():iseXmlRpc.cpp:2608]
Apr  1 08:14:39 ccu3-webui local0.err ReGaHss: ERROR: XMLRPC 'getValue' call failed (interface: 1009, params: {"0000DD898C6640:1","STATE"}) [CallGetValue():iseXmlRpc.cpp:1435]
Apr  1 08:14:39 ccu3-webui local0.err ReGaHss: ERROR: CallGetValue failed; sVal = 0 [ReadValue():iseDOMdpHSS.cpp:124]

I'm a bit lost on how to further debug this and would love to get your help!


P.S.: System information:

PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

pivccu-info (I removed the MAC and SGTIN)

piVCCU version: 3.61.7-69
Kernel modules: Available
Raw UART dev:   Available
Rasp.Pi UART:   Assigned to GPIO pins
HMRF Hardware:  RPI-RF-MOD
 Connected via: GPIO@3f201000.serial (/dev/raw-uart)
 Board serial:  XXX
 Radio MAC:     XXX
HMIP Hardware:  RPI-RF-MOD
 Connected via: GPIO@3f201000.serial (/dev/raw-uart)
 SGTIN:         XXX
 Radio MAC:     XXX
State:          RUNNING
PID:            3969
IP:             2003:ee:374c:2503:98bc:c6ff:feee:57a1
CPU use:        183.82 seconds
BlkIO use:      556.00 KiB
Memory use:     195.07 MiB
KMem use:       5.26 MiB
Link:           vethpivccu
 TX bytes:      13.97 MiB
 RX bytes:      4.70 MiB
 Total bytes:   18.67 MiB
stale commented

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