
[Question] Difference between WebUI backup & pivccu-backup

steilerDev opened this issue · 8 comments

Thanks for the great work @alexreinert !

I got a quick question (as I'm currently working on an effective backup strategy for my environment).

I'd like to initiate a backup from a remote host. Since the WebUI has a backup functionality, I could use this to create the file. However I see that the pivccu-backup script does some significant work in order to generate the backup file. Is there any significant difference between the two methods - is one preferred over the other?

The resulting backup file is the same, but with pivccu-backup you can automate the backup process e.g. by cron.

looking into the resulting files, I can actually see some differences :)

pivccu-backup bundles the installed addons completely (I got hap-homematic installed), the CCU native backup only has empty folders. Additionally pivccu-backup has an empty eQ-3-Backup folder.

The rest seems to be equivalent :)

Thanks for the quick feedback!

If anyone is interessted in my script for getting the file off the API:

if [ ! -d $TARGET ]; then                                                       
    mkdir -p $TARGET                                                            
# Acquire session id                                                            
SESSION_ID=$(curl -Ls -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} "${CCU_HOST}/pages/index.htm?client=3" | grep -oE @.*@)
if [ -z $SESSION_ID ]; then                                                     
    echo "Unable to acquire session id!"                                        
    exit 1                                                                      
wget "${CCU_HOST}/config/cp_security.cgi?sid=${SESSION_ID}&action=create_backup" \
    -O ${TARGET}/ccu-backup-$(date -Iseconds).tar.gz

I assume, that where is now an issue in the native backup as we addons were included in the native backup, too.

hmm - is there a place to report this with eQ3?

They will deny any support request that is not using the original CCU3 image on original CCU3 hardware. And they deny any support request that includes 3rd party addons.

oh fun - are there first party add ons? it would be interesting to see if those are included in the backup on an 'official' CCU

Not that I know.