
installation fails with the following error: Could not load kernel modules plat_eq3ccu2 and eq3_char_loop.

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After I followed the procedure to install piVCCU on my RaspberryPi 3 i get the following error when the service tries to start:

Could not load kernel modules plat_eq3ccu2 and eq3_char_loop.

the corresponding modprobe in the start script gives:

modprobe: WARNING: Module plat_eq3ccu2 not found in directory /lib/modules/4.9.67-v7+
modprobe: WARNING: Module eq3_char_loop not found in directory /lib/modules/4.9.67-v7+

What did I do wrong?

I have the HM-MOD-RPI-PCB board (it works, tested it as a device in FHEM on the same RPi)

Kind regards,

Can you please provide the output of "sudo pivccu-info"?

The output is as follows:

piVCCU version: 2.29.23-16
Kernel modules: Not available
Raw UART dev: Not available
Rasp.Pi3 UART: Assigned to GPIO pins
Board serial: Unknown
lxc doesn't exist

I am on raspbian STRETCH with kernel version 4.9.67

Can you please describe how you installed piVCCU?
The pivccu deb file has a dependency to lxc which Sees to be not install es on your system and the module deb has a dependency to the kernel package with Version 4.9.59 and you have 4.9.67 on your system.

I followed the procedure on

which means that I used the apt way of installing it. The edits in steps 3 and 4 were in place already from my Hardware test and FW update of the GPIO board (to 1.4.1)

I noted that i was unable to uninstall the dhcpcd5 package as it was not installed (Iguess Stretch uses a different one) but I guess that this is not the issue.

before i installed this I had run an sudo rpi-update which bumps me to the latest kernel release.

Please downgrade to the latest provides official kernel deb using
sudo apt-get install --reinstall raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-kernel
and ensure, that all necessary package are installed using
sudo apt install lxc bridge-utils systemd
After that steps you need reboot.
It could be possible that you have to reinstall the module package after that reboot using
sudo apt-get install --reinstall pivccu-modules-raspberrypi
and reboot again.

Looks better now:

pi@zberry:~ $ sudo pivccu-info
piVCCU version: 2.29.23-16
Kernel modules: Available
Raw UART dev: Available
Rasp.Pi3 UART: Assigned to GPIO pins
Board serial: OEQ0607687
PID: 662
IP: 2003:e5:abde:7500:688b:32ff:fe9d:a989
CPU use: 5.72 seconds
BlkIO use: 7.52 MiB
Link: vethpivccu
TX bytes: 5.89 KiB
RX bytes: 41.91 KiB
Total bytes: 47.81 KiB

I assume that this means that I should refrain from using rpi-update, correct?

I also now have two interfaces. eth0 with a static dhcp adress and the bridge br0 with a static ip. does this hurt?

Thank you for your quick reply!
I will start toying around with the new CCU tomorrow ;-)

Yes, you should update your kernel only using the apt way. I will provide updates module package for New kernel debs.
Regarding the interfaces: Normally you should just have an address on br0. Can you please post your /etc/network/interfaces and the output of ifconfig?