
Rails 7 compatibility

duarme opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello there, we've been using this glorious gem since Rails 4. We're now upgrading to Rails 7 and we noticed that it's not supported yet. Is there already work in progress to support it, or are you waiting for contributions? 🙂

Hello, and thanks for bringing this up. No work (that I'm aware of) has been done for Rails 7 yet. This might be a good place to start building a to-do list.

@duarme Curious, what about geocoder doesn't work right now in Rails 7? Currently using it in a Rails 7 app but only for near queries on the database. Thinking of using it for IP Address geolocating, but now I'm hesitant.

I'm not aware of any issues using Geocoder with Rails 7. If anyone has specific problems, please create issues for them. I'm going to close this (and update the README).