
Support cross-day working plan availability

Svetlana-T opened this issue · 5 comments

Please try to reproduce it on your system as follows:

  1. add a new provider 'grytest'
  2. set availability to a day which will be 3 days later at 11pm
  3. save
  4. go to the booking page. try to place a booking for grytest. on the second screen pick a timzone that is further to the west. this will show the list of available times as in 10pm, 9pm, etc.
  5. on the second screen of the booking page try to pick a timezone that is further to the east. this should correspond to midnight, 1am, 2am, etc. this will say there are no times availabe.
  6. keep the timezone set to grytest timezone plus one (i.e. one hour to the east) where it says no times are available. try to change the days around, the day before, the day after. it will still say no times are available.

how does this work for you? please let me know. Note that I have version 1.4.3

many thanks.


Acknowledged, will take a closer look.

Alex Tselegidis, Easy!Appointments Creator
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Marking this as an enhancement for v1.6.

Example test case:

8am AEST to CET (working plan from 8am to 6pm), the booking page will not show 8am > 11pm for the selected date.

Alex Tselegidis, Easy!Appointments Creator
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Thank you @alextselegidis

May I suggest that this is a critical feature for a non-profit operating via online scheduled meetings, 90% of users are from a different time zone and they do not see my availability in the calendar

And as far as I know there is no workaround

Having this fixed sooner rather than later (i.e. by 1.5 version rather than 1.6) would be nice


Unfortunately there's a ticket freeze for 1.5 right now (very close to release) so that will need to move on to the next release.

Alex Tselegidis, Easy!Appointments Creator
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