
Suppress warning errors and check the environment before using ldap

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I think there is still a problem in application/libraries/Ldap_client.php after 3f39861.

I have ldap_is_active = 0 in settings.
When I try to login to backoffice with false credentials, I get The LDAP extension is not loaded, but I think I should get Invalid credentials provided, please try again.

Should $this->check_environment(); on line 87 be after

$ldap_is_active = setting('ldap_is_active');

if (!$ldap_is_active) {
    return null;

in lines 89-93?


Thanks for submitting this.

All LDAP calls are now suppressed so that errors render correctly and the app works even without the plugin.

Alex Tselegidis, Easy!Appointments Creator
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