
Missing translations in exception messages

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There are many exception messages that are missing translations.

Line 104: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 78: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 89: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 89: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 123: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 50: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 295: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 321: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 355: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 233: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 252: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 271: throw new RuntimeException('The appointment ID is not available.');
Line 336: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 401: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 434: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 466: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 498: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 526: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 623: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 88: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 386: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 420: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 78: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 82: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 116: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');
Line 120: throw new RuntimeException('The LDAP extension is not loaded.');

Line 78: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 78: throw new RuntimeException('You do not have the required permissions for this task.');

Line 66: throw new RuntimeException('Cannot get JSON attribute from an empty input stream.');

Line 75: throw new RuntimeException('The "get_value" is not defined in model: ', CLASS);
Line 95: throw new RuntimeException('The "get_row" is not defined in model: ', CLASS);
Line 160: throw new RuntimeException('Unsupported cast type provided: ' . $cast);

Line 29: default => throw new RuntimeException('Invalid date format value: ' . $date_format),
Line 47: default => throw new RuntimeException('Invalid time format value: ' . $time_format),

Line 132: throw new RuntimeException('The username was not found in the database: ' . $username);

Line 405: throw new RuntimeException('The selected provider does not have the CalDAV sync enabled: ' . $provider_id);

Line 128: throw new RuntimeException('Email was not sent: ' . $this->CI->email->print_debugger());
Line 203: throw new RuntimeException('Email was not sent: ' . $this->CI->email->print_debugger());
Line 243: throw new RuntimeException('Email was not sent: ' . $this->CI->email->print_debugger());

Line 174: throw new RuntimeException('The backup path is not writable: ' . $path);

Line 63: throw new RuntimeException('Unsupported password hash format');
Line 88: throw new RuntimeException('The LDAP extension is not loaded.');

Line 63: throw new RuntimeException('No google token available for the provider: ' . $provider['id']);
Line 125: throw new RuntimeException('No google token available for the provider: ' . $provider['id']);
Line 165: throw new RuntimeException('No google token available for the provider: ' . $provider['id']);
Line 218: throw new RuntimeException('No google token available for the provider: ' . $provider['id']);

Line 231: throw new RuntimeException('The admin role was not found in the database.');
Line 258: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert admin.');
Line 322: throw new RuntimeException('Could not set the new admin setting value: ' . $name);
Line 348: throw new RuntimeException('No settings record found for admin with ID: ' . $admin['id']);
Line 361: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update admin.');
Line 383: throw new RuntimeException('Record could not be deleted as the app requires at least one admin user.');
Line 464: throw new RuntimeException('The requested setting value was not found: ' . $admin_id);

Line 239: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert appointment.');
Line 259: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update appointment record.');

Line 118: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert blocked-period.');
Line 138: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update blocked periods.');

Line 79: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert consent.');
Line 99: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update consent.');

Line 192: throw new RuntimeException('The customer role was not found in the database.');
Line 272: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert customer.');
Line 292: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update customer.');

Line 246: throw new RuntimeException('The provider role was not found in the database.');
Line 274: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert provider.');
Line 352: throw new RuntimeException('Could not set the new provider setting value: ' . $name);
Line 379: throw new RuntimeException('No settings record found for provider with ID: ' . $provider['id']);
Line 390: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update provider.');
Line 506: throw new RuntimeException('The requested setting value was not found: ' . $provider_id);

Line 98: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert role.');
Line 118: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update role.');

Line 244: throw new RuntimeException('The secretary role was not found in the database.');
Line 273: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert secretary.');
Line 338: throw new RuntimeException('Could not set the new secretary setting value: ' . $name);
Line 365: throw new RuntimeException('No settings record found for secretary with ID: ' . $secretary['id']);
Line 376: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update secretary.');
Line 490: throw new RuntimeException('The requested setting value was not found: ' . $secretary_id);

Line 102: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert service-category.');
Line 122: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update service categories.');

Line 169: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert service.');
Line 189: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update service.');

Line 99: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert setting.');
Line 119: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update setting.');

Line 188: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert unavailability.');
Line 208: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update unavailability record.');

Line 122: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert user.');
Line 186: throw new RuntimeException('Could not set the new user setting value: ' . $name);
Line 210: throw new RuntimeException('No settings record found for user with ID: ' . $user['id']);
Line 217: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update user.');
Line 313: throw new RuntimeException('The requested setting value was not found: ' . $user_id);

Line 95: throw new RuntimeException('Could not insert webhook.');
Line 115: throw new RuntimeException('Could not update webhook.');

Line 292: throw new RuntimeException('The model name you are loading is the name of a resource that is already being used: '.$name);
Line 365: throw new RuntimeException('Unable to locate the model you have specified: '.$model);

Line 450: throw new RuntimeException('Unable to connect to the database.');

Line 201: throw new RuntimeException('Form_validation: set_rules() called with an empty $rules parameter');