
How to clear the typehead (still not working model change)

vlapenkov opened this issue · 3 comments

        :serializer="item => item.login"

and this.username='' still not working, but this.$refs.usersAutocomplete.inputValue = '' is working. But this is not best solution

Ran into the same issue myself. PR #21 addresses this.

I merged a fix for this into my fork ( of this project that I'm actively maintaining. Give it a try.

You can find it on npm here:

I hope this helps!

A quick and dirty solution.
Assign a ref to the typeahead this way:

<vue-bootstrap-typeahead ref="inputAutocompletado" :serializer="serializadorAutocompletadoClientes" @input="refrescarClientesDeAutocompletadoConBusquedaActual" @hit="onClienteSeleccionado" v-model="busqueda" :data="clientesDelAutocompletado" placeholder="Busca un cliente por nombre o documento" />

Please note that the ref is inputAutocompletado . Then when you want to clear it, make this:

this.$refs.inputAutocompletado.inputValue = "";

And this way you can clear it. The explanation is:
inputAutocompletado refers to the typeahead itself. It has its own data as a component, and the prop that is binded to the real input is in the inputValue prop. If we change that prop, it is changed in the input and in the Typeahead