

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The following needs to be tested:

-Getting through a game with:

1. 4 human players ( 3 network players)
2. 1 Human player and all Smart AIs
3. 1 Human Player and all Dumb AIS
4. 1 of each: Human, Network, Dumb, Smart

^^^If possible, test more different combinations.

-Try to win using trophies
-Try to win using dev cards
-Try to win using both


1 Human. 2 Smart AI and 1 Dumb AI: Human won

1 Human, 3 Smart AI: Human won, very close game

Human and all Dumb AIs: Human won pretty easily; game is still a bit challenging as dumb AIs will sometimes use robber against the human player so it prevents the human player from having a free win

Although Longest Road trophy logic is a bit off, I when I received it along with the Largest Army trophy, I managed to win the game. Built 3 settlement and 2 cities (7 VPs) and got both trophies (4 VPs) giving me a total of 11 VPs. I won after playing a third knight card and gaining the Largest Army Trophy.

Main tests have been completed; may do further testing but main tests do work