
Make Groupings for PDFs coming from the same domain.

dborg291 opened this issue · 6 comments

Right now all online PDFs are listed in one giant list. It would make it easier for the user to find the PDF they are trying to find if each PDF was grouped based on the domain they where downloaded from. It would end up looking like a folder system. It would also be good for this to be a toggle so the user can decide which view they prefer.


If you have pdfs:
PDF1 from
PDF2 from
PDF3 from
PDF4 from

It would end up looking like:


Hi @dborg291 @alexweininger.
I can contribute and implement this. Please assign this issue to me and I will do it over the weekend.

@MagicCurlyHair I would like this to be a setting that the users can toggle.

@alexweininger Yeah, there's already a settings page implemented, so I will just add another option. I could do it as a simple boolean switch, but I think dropdown is better since more options for grouping could be implemented in the future (maybe users will be able to create and name folders themselves?)
Let me know what you think.

@MagicCurlyHair I think that's a great idea.

@alexweininger Cool, then I think it will be a 'File grouping' option with the following options:

  • 'Ungrouped' - current view
  • 'Group by domain' - the proposed grouping for domains.
    Not sure about the naming though.

@MagicCurlyHair sounds great!