Closed this issue · 1 comments
brettoliver commented
Hi thanks for sharing this clock.
I am having probles printing 2 colours on Flaps_ones.stl.
In Cura I add a pause at selected layers to change filament.
On Flaps tens and hour I can pause the print at layer 1 to change filament. On Flaps_ones.stl layer 1 only includes a few flaps. layer 2 includes all flaps but also prints over the few flaps printed in layer 1.
This means I am unable to print flaps_ones in 2 colours.
Is there a way around this?
brettoliver commented
Update - I have got around this issue by splitting the "flapones" file and taking out 3 flaps. I then print it as 2 seperate files. I use a Pause at height script in Cura to stop the printer automatically when changing fillament colours.