
Designer not loading

ark-brighthustle opened this issue · 12 comments

There is no content in HTML Version tab shows blank page

Thank you!! This is your first issue on this repo

Hi @evilrat !

You should RTFM ;-) :

you may need also to add to the unlayer domain to the Content Security Policy. Update the config file config/middleware.js as:

- "strapi::security",
+ {
+     name: "strapi::security",
+     config: {
+       contentSecurityPolicy: {
+         directives: {
+           "script-src": ["'self'", ""],
+           "frame-src": ["'self'", ""],
+           "img-src": [
+             "'self'",
+             "data:",
+             "",
+             "",
+             "",
+           ],
+         },
+       },
+     },
+   },

Can you post whole file?. Because I have this

module.exports = [
    name: 'strapi::security',
    config: {
      contentSecurityPolicy: {
        directives: {
          'script-src': ["'self'", ''],
          'frame-src': ["'self'", ''],
          'img-src': [

and without any success

i am facing this same issue and I wonder why this issue was closed