
How to use your library draw QR codes with 3 vertices and circles? Looking forward to your reply

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Similar to this

val options = createQrVectorOptions {

    colors {
        dark = QrVectorColor.Solid(0XFF06084D.toColor())

    shapes {
        frame = QrVectorFrameShape.Circle(1f)
        ball = QrVectorBallShape.Circle(1f)
        darkPixel = QrVectorPixelShape.Circle(.85f)

Thank you very much for your reply. I have tested it and it's okay. Thank you, God

Hello, could you please ask me again? Today, I suddenly realized that your production has 4 circles. Can you set it to 3 circles?

val options = createQrVectorOptions {

    colors {
        dark = QrVectorColor.Solid(0XFF06084D.toColor())

    shapes {
        frame = QrVectorFrameShape.Circle(1f)
        ball = QrVectorBallShape.Circle(1f)
        darkPixel = QrVectorPixelShape.Circle(.85f)

The sample mentioned above produces QR code with 3 eyes as a default behavior.

To enabled 4rd eye you need to set fourthEyeEnabled = true. So if you want to disable it you have to remove this line or set this flag to false.

Thank you for your reply. After testing, it's ready. Thank you again, your friend. Welcome to China to play