
overlay image on qrCode

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Can the library support doing something like this?:


You can do

val options = createQrVectorOptions {
    colors {
        dark = QrVectorColor.Eraser
    background {
        color = QrVectorColor.Solid(Color.WHITE)

This will create drawable where QRcode is cut from white background. Then you can place this drawable above any other View and this view will be visible throught the holes

Or you can merge your image and this drawable using

val resultDrawable  = LayerDrawable(arrayOf(imageDrawable, qrCodeDrawable))

Or you can use this to just cut QR code from your provided imageDrawable

val options = createQrVectorOptions {
    colors {
        light = QrVectorColor.Eraser
        dark = QrVectorColor.Transparent
    background {
        drawable = imageDrawable

I tried the above codes, but my idea is to overlay the image on the places where the QrCode is, like set a color for the QrCode, and the remaining parts that don't have the Qrcode will show up in the default background color.

It seems your code above is doing the opposite.

You can create custom QrVectorColor and make a shaderPaint using BitmapShader from your image

Here is an example:

class QrImageColor(private val image : Drawable) : QrVectorColor {
    override fun createPaint(width: Float, height: Float): Paint {
        val bitmap = image.toBitmap(width.roundToInt(),height.roundToInt())
        val bitmapShader = BitmapShader(bitmap, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP)
        return Paint().apply {
            shader = bitmapShader

@chuongdk2011 Doest it fit your needs?

Yes, I did it. Thank you very much