
Help Implementing

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Sorry for the noob question, new dev here!
I am using this version:
implementation ("com.github.alexzhirkevich:custom-qr-generator:2.0.0-alpha01")

jitpack is in my settings.gradle

Yet theres a problem importing some functions:
import com.github.alexzhirkevich.customqrgenerator.QrData
import com.github.alexzhirkevich.customqrgenerator.createQrVectorOptions
import com.github.alexzhirkevich.customqrgenerator.dsl.QrVectorLogoShape

Unresolved reference: createQrVectorOptions
Unresolved reference: dsl

Am I missing something?

Still learning my way around the library;
changed import com.github.alexzhirkevich.customqrgenerator.createQrVectorOptions
to import com.github.alexzhirkevich.customqrgenerator.vector.createQrVectorOptions

Open 2.0 branch and check app example

Thank you!! Starting to figure things out, Literally my first year coding, still learning everything. Thanks!