ThemeEngine corrupts my .car files?
Opened this issue · 6 comments
I've been working on a theme today and previous days using, I admit, the latest Public Beta of 10.11.4 and using the latest ThemeEngine release.
Now I'm faced with an issue that renders the whole theme useless.
The attached image is of the SystemAppearance CAR and I've only been working on the Retina components of the theme.
You will notice empty spots where there should be graphics to be changed. And I have changed some but now such things as sliderbuttons - textfields and searchfields are missing from the applied theme.
There are many many files that are gone now.
Recently before all this I change many font colors in an attempt to work around some OS related issues with dark Finder buttons and also Push Puttons - that didn't end well as you can see.
I'm about to start on a fresh slate and hope this issue does not occur in the future. I don't know if all the saving to the car files eventually makes it corrupt? I save 1000 times a day in order to see changes using Opee and extensions to Opee to see my changes almost as they are changed and saved to disk.
Have you been able to reproduce it on multiple occasions? Like with a fresh file being saved not the old method then the new updated compressed versions.
Need a bit more info on the situation when it happens if you can reproduce it.
I went back to 10.11.3 by a fresh installation and began working on a fresh CAR from that installation; SystemAppearance, GraphiteAppearance and VibrantLightApperannce.
On one instance I have open SystemAppearance and GraphiteAppearance and noticed that while having the GraphiteAppearance in the background while working on SystemAppearance that the former was missing a few Stepper graphics and I thought that it was all over. But this time I actually just saved the unsaved work I had done on both and quit ThemeEngine and just crossed my fingers that none had happened.
I was fortunate because the Stepper graphics were back in their place.
I can't take the chance and making a theme with all it involves and then having the theme look empty after a 4 hour session. But I am taking precautions and saving multiple places and quitting ThemeEngine more often.
So were images ever actually lost or did they just not render in the GUI?
If you have any of those old files that are broken can you upload them?
I cant seem to break any right now for some reason...
I've uploaded the (for me) broken to my droplr account.
It seems as though that it only is restricted to ThemeEngine and not the GUI when applied.
Although I can't figure out right now how come the text fields are rendered poorly in the applied theme in that second attached image and not right now when I opened up the "dead" .car file and seeing all entries there and not blank spots.
I moved on pretty quickly to tell you the truth - I still managed to complain about it which is my fault.
BTW. begin from the top in the sidebar for seeing the blank areas
This is only on 10.11.4 beta?
I think it would apply to the release version of 10.11.4 too. Simply because I think it's because of constant saving to a SSD that is probably on the way out. I have not investigated it further to be honest.