
Need help with the interactig part of docker compose

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Hi there,
first I would like to thank you guys for your great work.
I am trying to install your docker image via portainer stacks.
I got my api_id and api_hash from and I got the channel ID from the bot @getmyid_bot.
when I deploy telegram-download-daemon I see this logs:

Please enter your phone (or bot token): �#Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/./", line 179, in <module>
    proxy=proxy).start() as client:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/telethon/client/", line 128, in start
    else self.loop.run_until_complete(coro)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 646, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/telethon/client/", line 165, in _start
    value = phone()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/telethon/client/", line 22, in <lambda>
    phone: typing.Callable[[], str] = lambda: input('Please enter your phone (or bot token): '),
EOFError: EOF when reading a line
Please enter your phone (or bot token): 

my stack looks like this: (I use gluetun as a proxy)

version: '3.5'

    image: qmcgaw/gluetun
      - NET_ADMIN
      - VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER=nordvpn
      - OPENVPN_USER=nordid
      - OPENVPN_PASSWORD=nordpass
      - SERVER_REGIONS=Netherlands
    restart: unless-stopped   
    #build: .
    image: alfem/telegram-download-daemon:latest
    container_name: telegram-download
    network_mode: service:gluetun
      - gluetun
    read_only: true
      TELEGRAM_DAEMON_DEST: "/downloads"
       - /path/to/nas:/downloads
       - sessions:/session
    restart: unless-stopped

could you guys help me with the interactig part?

When you use docker-compose, the .session file, where the login is stored is kept in Volume outside the container. Therefore, when using docker-compose you are required to:

$ docker-compose run --rm telegram-download-daemon
Interact with the console to authenticate yourself.
See the message "Signed in successfully as {youe name}"
Close the container
$ docker-compose up -d
See the sessions volume in the docker-compose.yml file.

Best regards, Shahram

I have forgotten portainer and installed compose and done as described

@shahram7 could you please help me in the same issue? I´m stucked in the same part...

I´ve made docker compose following the instructions.
Using the same docker-compose.yml structure file.

version: '3.5'

    #build: .
    image: alfem/telegram-download-daemon:latest
    container_name: telegram-download
    read_only: true
      TELEGRAM_DAEMON_API_ID: xxxxxxxx
      TELEGRAM_DAEMON_API_HASH: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      TELEGRAM_DAEMON_CHANNEL: -xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      TELEGRAM_DAEMON_DEST: /downloads
       - /share/Downloads/telegram:/downloads
       - /share/Container/container-station-data/application/telegram_session:/session
    restart: unless-stopped


I´m using a QNAP NAS... once I´ve created the container doesn´t run having the same errors like you. In that moment I try to run the command to authenticate me, but getting this error:

[~] # docker compose run --rm telegram-download-daemon
no configuration file provided: not found
[~] #

Best regards

@shahram7 could you please help me in the same issue? I´m stucked in the same part...

I´ve made docker compose following the instructions. Using the same docker-compose.yml structure file.

version: '3.5'

    #build: .
    image: alfem/telegram-download-daemon:latest
    container_name: telegram-download
    read_only: true
      TELEGRAM_DAEMON_API_ID: xxxxxxxx
      TELEGRAM_DAEMON_API_HASH: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      TELEGRAM_DAEMON_CHANNEL: -xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      TELEGRAM_DAEMON_DEST: /downloads
       - /share/Downloads/telegram:/downloads
       - /share/Container/container-station-data/application/telegram_session:/session
    restart: unless-stopped


I´m using a QNAP NAS... once I´ve created the container doesn´t run having the same errors like you. In that moment I try to run the command to authenticate me, but getting this error:

[~] # docker compose run --rm telegram-download-daemon
no configuration file provided: not found
[~] #

Best regards

I've done just like description.

$ docker-compose run --rm telegram-download-daemon
# Interact with the console to authenticate yourself.
# See the message "Signed in successfully as {youe name}"
# Close the container
$ docker-compose up -d

once you have the session file you can deploy, it in anyway. I have deployed it in my downloader stack in Portainer.

Hi @alfem ,
I've run the container and given my Tel number and logged in successfully. when I copy the DownloadDaemon.session to the Volume folder of my Portainer Stack I get this error messages.
It was working and I had no problem until today.
Can you maybe drop a hint?

[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:32,943] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075471806465, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:32,986] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075658559489, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:32,995] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075693954049, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:32,996] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075699684353, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:32,996] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075702576129, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:32,999] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075716621313, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,000] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075716983809, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,005] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075739841537, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,005] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075740138497, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,005] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075742980097, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,006] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,006] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075744972801, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,006] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,006] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075746455553, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,006] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,007] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075751924737, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,008] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,008] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075752453121, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,008] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,016] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075755452417, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,016] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,016] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075756327937, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,016] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,016] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075756618753, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,016] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,016] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075761255425, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,017] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,017] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075773795329, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,017] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,017] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075774394369, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,017] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,017] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075779732481, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,017] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,017] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075781500929, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,018] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,018] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075798947841, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,019] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,023] sent a very new message with ID 7288254075820923905, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:07:33,024] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively

and when i change the session file inside the container i get this error:

Session loaded from /session/DownloadDaemon.session
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/./", line 178, in <module>
    with TelegramClient(getSession(), api_id, api_hash,
  File "/app/", line 24, in getSession
    return StringSession(_getStringSessionIfExists())
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/telethon/sessions/", line 37, in __init__
    self._dc_id, ip, self._port, key = struct.unpack(
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 275 bytes
Session loaded from /session/DownloadDaemon.session
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/./", line 178, in <module>
    with TelegramClient(getSession(), api_id, api_hash,
  File "/app/", line 24, in getSession
    return StringSession(_getStringSessionIfExists())
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/telethon/sessions/", line 37, in __init__
    self._dc_id, ip, self._port, key = struct.unpack(
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 275 bytes
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/./", line 178, in <module>
Session loaded from /session/DownloadDaemon.session
    with TelegramClient(getSession(), api_id, api_hash,
  File "/app/", line 24, in getSession
    return StringSession(_getStringSessionIfExists())
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/telethon/sessions/", line 37, in __init__
    self._dc_id, ip, self._port, key = struct.unpack(
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 275 bytes

Maybe is related to cipher in session file. You should use the container interactively once ir order to obtain a valid sessión file.

I do not know your Portainer deployment but things like timezone configuration can cause errors like those you posted.

Maybe is related to cipher in session file. You should use the container interactively once ir order to obtain a valid sessión file.

I do not know your Portainer deployment but things like timezone configuration can cause errors like those you posted.

Hi @alfem , thank you for your replay.
I have created a new folder and a new docker compose file and I run the command docker compose run --rm telegram-download-daemon and I've seen the message "You have logged in as xxxxx" then I druck "Ctrl+C" and gave docker compose up -d
Now i get this message in the log:

asyncio.exceptions.IncompleteReadError: 0 bytes read on a total of 8 expected bytes
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,715] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766352023553, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,727] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766401642497, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,736] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766440570881, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,738] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766450518017, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,740] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766458586113, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,741] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766463223809, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,742] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766468185089, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,743] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766474561537, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,745] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766481709057, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,750] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766501907457, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,750] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,754] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766514146305, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,754] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,757] sent a very new message with ID 7288266766530632705, ignoring (see FAQ for details)
[WARNING/2023-10-10 09:56:47,757] error while unpacking a received message: Too many messages had to be ignored consecutively

Hi @alfem,

I've noticed if you enter the BOT Token instead of your Tel Number you don't need to enter any code. Is it possible to pass the "bot token" as a environment variable in docker compose in order to skip this interacting part? so the authentication is performed at every restart!

Best regards,

Where are you running docker? In a Windows PC, Linux server, NAS?

Where are you running docker? In a Windows PC, Linux server, NAS?

Debian 12 vm.

'Vm' hosted by...?

proxmox 7.4-3

I meant the base OS

I have my docker engine on a Debian 12 vm which run on my proxmox node (Debian 11)