
Queue worker error

Closed this issue · 7 comments

the file never is completed
0.03 % (262144 / 690880595) 5.8 % (40108032 / 690880595) 11.99 % (82837504 / 690880595) Queue worker error: A timeout occurred while fetching data from the worker (caused by GetFileRequest)

alfem commented

Could you provide the script version you are using? is it installed on your system or the dockerized one? What kind of computer hosts the daemon? Are you queuing lots of files simultaneusly? Any clue is welcome.

script versión 1.4
installed in Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
computer vps
i try only this file and i try with 2

alfem commented

Perhaps this error is due to a limit in your vps. Could you check free memory/disc when the script is running?

Perhaps this error is due to a limit in your vps. Could you check free memory/disc when the script is running?

No. everything is correct.
0.03 % (262144 / 690880595) 6.37 % (44040192 / 690880595) Queue worker error: A timeout occurred while fetching data from the worker (caused by GetFileRequest)
this is the file

media=MessageMediaDocument(document=Document(id=6046574522608388906, access_hash=6024541691854763118, file_reference=b"\x02K'=\x9b\x00\x00\x1dV\x81*x\x8f\xb4^g\xd4]y\x01Z[\x08\xbfGq\xe0", date=datetime.datetime(2021, 4, 19, 17, 40, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), mime_type='video/mp4', size=690880595, dc_id=4, attributes=[DocumentAttributeVideo(duration=2674, w=1920, h=1080, round_message=False, supports_streaming=True)

also queue doesn't except error like this:

Queue worker error: A wait of 823 seconds is required (caused by EditMessageRequest)

may be use try catch or remove set_progress?

yet another error...

Downloading file ccc.7z.001 (1858328010 bytes)
Queue worker error:  File size too large```
alfem commented

@kluger, check the solution to this closed issue #50