
Disable notification in channel

Closed this issue · 11 comments


How can i disable the auto messages send in Telegram.
-commands shell
Telegram Download Daemon 1.12
Hi! Ready for your files!
Available commands: list, status, clean
Reporting of downloads

Is there an easyer way then editing/removing it in
if hasattr(, 'document') or hasattr(,'photo'):
if ( path.exists("{0}/{1}.{2}".format(tempFolder,filename,TELEGRAM_DAEMON_TEMP_SUFFIX)) or path.exists("{0}/{1}".format(downloadFolder,filename)) ) and duplicates == "ignore":
message=await event.reply("{0} already exists. Ignoring it.".format(filename))
message=await event.reply("{0} added to queue".format(filename))
await queue.put([event, message])
message=await event.reply("That is not downloadable. Try to send it as a file.")

alfem commented

I do not understand why do you want to supress feedback. Could you explain how do you use this daemon?

It is annoying that people know i am downloading all the images.
It is running in docker envirement.

alfem commented

Perhaps you are attaching the daemon to a wrong channel.

Create your own one, and forward the desired files to this.

What is the code for that?
TELEGRAM_DAEMON_CHANNEL and then channel id is for source.
What is for destination for messaging?

Currently shows as in a test channel

alfem commented

You need to create your own channel, and use its id in TELEGRAM_DAEMON_CHANNEL. Then, just forward the files you want from the public group channel to this new one.

If you use the id of a group channel, feedback will show up in it, and its users will get annoyed.

So your telling me i need to manualy add the files from the source to the new channel in order to grab the files so i cant automate it?

alfem commented

The short answer is "yes".

Oke thank you for the explanation

Changed the script my self, Receiving files send on any Telegram group and stores it on my file system.
Without sending any notifications.
If anyone wants the script add me.

Changed the script my self, Receiving files send on any Telegram group and stores it on my file system. Without sending any notifications. If anyone wants the script add me.

do you have a fork or something? i hate all the messages this daemon leaves on my channel, if i need to check it from another account it looks full of garbage.

Changed the script my self, Receiving files send on any Telegram group and stores it on my file system. Without sending any notifications. If anyone wants the script add me.

do you have a fork or something? i hate all the messages this daemon leaves on my channel, if i need to check it from another account it looks full of garbage.

Here is the file: