
Feature Request: Dowload by Telegram link

Closed this issue · 7 comments

It would be useful to be able to download files past the telegram links.
For Example, this download the image.

This could be useful

Very thanks

alfem commented

I do not understand your request. The link you have posted do not download an image. As far as I see (and test) it is only a link to a Telegram new.

To download a file (or video, photo...) just forward it to the daemon.

Sorry, I haven't explained myself very bad

The new feature the Telegram for Private Channels, It forbidden forward files to other channel.

Example channel
You can't forward the ISO file, but I allow copy link
The idea is download the file used link refenrence. I dont sured If It is posible.

Thank you very much for your time.

alfem commented

I do not think it is possible. To download content from a private channel you must be a member of that channel.

I had to modify it to use my own account. but that was just for my needs so idk if its possible to support both regular bots and userbots or not

The problem isn't that you were member or not. Due to new Telegram forward rules admins can block to forward any links to any channel and this makes useless the daemon. The only option in this cases is copy the file link but when you paste it into the bot channel it doesn't work.

alfem commented

The problem isn't that you were member or not. Due to new Telegram forward rules admins can block to forward any links to any channel and this makes useless the daemon. The only option in this cases is copy the file link but when you paste it into the bot channel it doesn't work.

How do you copy the file link? When a channel owner disables file forwarding, usually he disables link copying as well.

In my case it is enabled, I don't know why. I attach screenshot of this and the result of paste this link into the daemon bot channel.