
How do I get the docker creation process to use a proxy?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Since I am in China, Telegram needs a proxy.

When I create it using docker, it keeps prompting me with a timeout.

I tried to modify the sock5 proxy in, but I still can't get through.

Is there anything I can do? Thanks a lot :)

alfem commented

Well, I have not tested this daemon with a proxy, but I think you are using a SOCKS5 proxy with an http url.

Try this:
proxy = (socks.SOCKS5, '', 7890)

Check your proxy type as well. Could it be an http proxy?

Since I am in China, Telegram needs a proxy.

When I create it using docker, it keeps prompting me with a timeout. image

I tried to modify the sock5 proxy in, but I still can't get through. image

Is there anything I can do? Thanks a lot :)

Have you solved this problem ?

alfem commented

Please, check #90

Recent docker image supports proxy configuration.
