
How do I configure destination path?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I am getting this message in my telegram channel.

"ls: cannot access '/telegram-downloads': No such file or directory"

Please help. I'm newbie.

alfem commented

How are you starting the script?

I run this line in heroku console

python --api-id --api-hash --channel

alfem commented

But you add a value to those parameters, don't you?

Something like

python --api-id 5555633 --api-hash 555195c63c62e5a533759b510e3c1555 --dest /MyFolder --temp /MyFolder/tmp --channel -1005555170320

Yes I did. But I don't know how to setup the destination path.

alfem commented

I have answered you with an example. Just add --dest THEFULLPATHOFYOURFAVOURITEFOLDER to your command line.