
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'selenium'

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Just installed the bot with help of the newbie guide but I get the Error:
"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'selenium'" when trying to start.
Any idea how to fix this?

Thanks for your work!

Please follow the - you're missing the Python libraries (pip install -r requirements.txt --user)

If I type the pip install command it says "Requirement already satisfied"


Ah I see. You probably have two Versions of Python installed - Python2 and Python3. Try running again with pip3

edit: even though the output shows it's apparently installed in the python3.8 folder.

A few things to try here:

  • Check if it makes any difference if you do not add the --user. You will likely have to start cmd.exe as Administrator to run the command without any errors.
  • alternatively you should add your library path (%AppData%\Python\Python38\Site-Packages) to your %PATH% variable (tutorial for Java, but also applies for Python)

I uninstalled the Phython 2 Version and now everything works fine.
Thanks a lot!