
0 decimals for number is not remembered

bijwaard opened this issue · 9 comments

I can successfully change the decimals for number type under Mapping. However, when I set it to 0 decimals, save and switch dashboard it is back to the default 2 decimals.

thanks for your feedback
which is your version ?

This is with the 0.40 snapshot

ok i'll try to reproduce it and i come back

Lol, i found the problem,
I dont understand, first i try with 5 decimals and it's work.
In the code, i have = obj.decimals || 2;
if decimal = 0, javascript understand false then it takes 2 by default.
I test and i build a snapshot

I prefer some stricter typing such as in C++ and python3.x;-)
Guess you would need a more precise handling of the non-existence of obj.decimals. Hope that fixes it.

Hi @bijwaard,
Decimal is fixed in new snapshot version
Tooltip with metrics added in this version


just verified that the fix appears to work in the new snapshot, great work!

you're welcome