
`#multiple_queries` does not accept a params Hash as documented

vincedevendra opened this issue · 1 comments


The Ruby API documentation for #multiple_queries shows that the method should accept an array of query objects that look like this:

  indexName: "indexName",
  type: "default", // optional
  query: "search query",
  params: {
    searchParameter1: value1, // one or several search parameters
    searchParameter2: value2

But, when I try to pass such an object, I get back a 400 error: Algolia::AlgoliaHttpError (400: Object forbidden at this position near line:1 column:55)

It seems like what the method is actually expecting is that the params be url form encoded, something like this:

  indexName: "indexName",
  type: "default", // optional
  query: "search query",
  params: "searchParameter1=value1&searchParameter2=value2"

Your tests seem to confirm this

    results = @@search_client.multiple_queries([
        { indexName: index_name1, params: to_query_string({ query: '', hitsPerPage: 2 }) },
        { indexName: index_name2, params: to_query_string({ query: '', hitsPerPage: 2 }) }
      ], { strategy: 'none' })[:results]

It would be far more convenient if the method took a params Hash rather than a form encoded string, especially because that's the format that the InstantSearch.js produces--my use case involves proxying InstantSearch.js generated requests through our Ruby backend to enrich results. I'm not able to just pass the requests request body array straight into #multiple_queries, but have to map through it and form encode the params first.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Format an array of queries according to the documentation, where the value of the params key is a Hash.
  2. Pass that array into #multiple_queries.
  3. Observe a 400 error.

Fully agree with you here: accepting a hash is way more convenient. We need to make this change with BC in mind, though. I'll try something next week, unless you have time to create a PR for this 🙂