
Partial completion not properly working

knoopx opened this issue · 4 comments

Typing mobx-r + Ctrl + Space and then selecting mobx-react auto-completes as mobx-rmobx-react instead of mobx-react

What is your setup?

I'm having the same issue.

Atom 1.25.0-beta1
atom-ide-ui 0.9.1
autocomplete-module-import 0.3.0

I will try taking a look at this next week. Sorry about the inconvenience.
If you manage to fix the issue, feel free to open a PR.

with cursor on the final r, press enter

WORKS: import { router } from 'litelementrouter'; -> lit-element-router
BROKEN: import { router } from 'lit-element-router'; -> lit-element-lit-element-router