
Broken layout search field

jeroenvisser101 opened this issue · 11 comments

Currently, it seems that Algolia's plugin breaks the layout of the search field.

redox commented

Arg, good catch! Recent regressions :/

Yeah, seems like removing display: inline-block from the inline style for element .twitter-typeahead fixes this.

redox commented

Yeah, it will not be enough; the expected behavior is then that the dropdown menu takes the whole input width.

Ouch, than that might turn out to be a bit more work...

Btw, this does not happen with search fields that are missing the tag 'This repository'

redox commented

Yep, I'm currently re-reading the code and cannot understand how it could have worked before 👍

redox commented

Should be better like that; now release time :p

Hah, nice, thanks for the super quick fix!

redox commented

You're welcome @jeroenvisser101, thanks for the bug report & investigation.

"Your item is in the process of being published and may take up to 60 minutes to appear in the Chrome Web Store."

@redox update is in, it now work way better! However, it still adds like 2px under the label after the extension loaded, but that's okay for now 👍