
Could one use this same search in a webpage?

theiliad opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm not too familiar with Algolia's instantsearch.js, but would I be able to make this same autocomplete for Github say in a React webapp?

Just the Top Repositories and the Last Active Users section would be good enough...

Sure, as a community project, we'd love to find new usages for this data.

apiKey= "686cce2f5dd3c38130b303e1c842c3e3"

There's a top_1m_repos index, last_1m_users, users and repositories.

If you're using React, feel free to read the documentation at the website

Because this is provided for free, please add a "powered by Algolia" using for example the <PoweredBy /> component.

Oh, and I'm also super curious what you're building, so it would be really cool to read about it on our forum or somewhere else.

@Haroenv Just tried this, although this is the first time I'm using Aloglia, it was super easy to get it working 😍

Awesome, looking forward to what you built 🔥