
Source Mapper: possible conflict on Windows

CiottiGiorgio opened this issue · 1 comments

Reporting this on behalf of one of our users @ErikHasselwander.
Discord thread:
PyTeal source mapper seems to apparently generate incorrect mapping while on Windows but correct elsewhere.

Your environment

Windows and WSL.

Steps to reproduce

PyTeal code in both cases

from feature_gates import FeatureGates

import pyteal as pt

def approval_program() -> pt.Expr:
    def create() -> pt.Expr:
        return pt.Return(pt.Int(1))

    def call() -> pt.Expr:
        return pt.Seq(

    return pt.Cond(
        [pt.Global.current_application_id() == pt.Int(0), create()],
        [pt.Int(1), call()]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(pt.Compilation(approval_program(), pt.Mode.Application, version=4).compile(
python -m venv venv
pip install pyteal=0.25.0
python ./

Expected behaviour (captured on WSL)

// GENERATED TEAL            //    PC    PYTEAL
#pragma version 4            //    (0)   pt.Compilation(approval_program(), pt.Mode.Application, version=4).compile(with_sourcemap=True, annotate_teal=True, pcs_in_sourcemap=True, annotate_teal_headers=True, annotate_teal_concise=True)
global CurrentApplicationID  //    (4)   pt.Global.current_application_id()
int 0                        //    (6)   pt.Int(0)
==                           //    (8)   pt.Global.current_application_id() == pt.Int(0)
bnz main_l4                  //    (9)
int 1                        //    (12)  pt.Int(1)
bnz main_l3                  //    (13)
err                          //    (16)  pt.Cond([pt.Global.current_application_id() == pt.Int(0), create()], [pt.Int(1), call()])
main_l3:                     //          pt.Int(1)
txn Sender                   //    (17)  pt.Txn.sender()
sha256                       //    (19)  pt.Sha256(pt.Txn.sender())
pop                          //    (20)  pt.Pop(pt.Sha256(pt.Txn.sender()))
int 1                        //    (21)  pt.Int(1)
return                       //    (22)  pt.Return(pt.Int(1))
main_l4:                     //          pt.Global.current_application_id() == pt.Int(0)
int 1                        //    (23)  pt.Int(1)
return                       //    (24)  pt.Return(pt.Int(1))

Actual behaviour (captured on Windows)

// GENERATED TEAL            //    PC    PYTEAL
#pragma version 4            //    (0)   super().__init__(None)
global CurrentApplicationID  //    (4)   super().__init__()
int 0                        //    (6)   super().__init__()
==                           //    (8)   super().__init__()
bnz main_l4                  //    (9)
int 1                        //    (12)  super().__init__()
bnz main_l3                  //    (13)
err                          //    (16)  super().__init__()
main_l3:                     //          super().__init__()
txn Sender                   //    (17)  super().__init__()
sha256                       //    (19)  super().__init__()
pop                          //    (20)
int 1                        //    (21)  super().__init__()
return                       //    (22)  super().__init__()
main_l4:                     //          super().__init__()
int 1                        //    (23)  super().__init__()
return                       //    (24)  super().__init__()

Thanks! This doesn't completely surprise me. We'll take a look.