
Python 3.4 + upgrade?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there :)
Would it be possible to have an upgrade of the python flavors? Currently the Algorithmia client only works with python2 , or 3.3 max. But python is already up to 3.7, and even support for 3.4 will be discontinued soon.
When do you think it might be possible ?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @hmd-ana !

Do you mean the Python client (this repo, used to call our Algorithms), or the Python versions we support for creating new Algorithms hosted on ?

The client should be version-agnostic; I'm running 3.7 locally here. If you're experiencing issues, hit us up at and we'll help get things fixed up.

As to creating new hosted algorithms, we currently have 3.5 available, and 3.6-3.7 if you pick the "Python 3.x - Beta" option. We'll clean these names up to make them clearer!

HI @peckjon !

Yes, I was referring to the Algorithmia Python client.
Been trying to use it with Python3.5 and 3.6 and encountering issues. Will try again with the latest version and in case of anything will contact support.

The issue is more of when using the Algothmia client in a Docker image, with python3.5 or 3.6. the error seams more to do with one of the packages from the requirement, namely enum34.

Traceback (most recent call last): ....... import re File "/opt/bitnami/python/lib/python3.6/", line 142, in <module> class RegexFlag(enum.IntFlag): AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'
Not sure if you've encountered something similar.
Cheers anyhow!