
Developer center won't function in a non-internet environment

Opened this issue · 2 comments

pmcq commented

Since it's linked out from a public S3-backed website environments without internet won't be able to pull any of the links.

Since it's just a static site, we have pretty reasonable options. These 2 options jump out at me:

  1. make the devcenter baseurl configurable in the webserver. Then we can distribute a zip of the devcenter that can be hosted pretty much anywhere. Complicates setup for non-internet environment.
  2. Just add a devcenter service to our stack. It's basically the tutorial for "nginx static file server". I assume HAProxy could work too (I'm no HAProxy expert - first search result suggest LightHttpd plus HAProxy). Would take some thought in keeping the content team's deploy process simple.

I'm inclined to suggest just moving toward the 2nd approach. This would work well in no-internet environments, plus it ensures dev-center docs reflect the AE version that we shipped to a customer and opens up the possibility of staging WIP dev-center changes in test. Basic work breakdown is something like:

  • Fix URLs per #136
  • Create docker image using HAProxy/nginx (see redirector)
  • Create kubernetes deployment/netpol/service (see redirector and/or golduck)
  • Configure shippable to autodeploy master to test and prod [branch] to prod
  • Add to make_stage