
Rewrite versioning page

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've been pulled into a few support issue, and can't fully keep all the details of versioning straight in my own head, and the versioning guide doesn't even help me. These are some bits that should be captured clearly on the versioning page:

  • Emphasize calling algorithms with explicit version
  • When should you use unversioned calls (e.g. useful for experimenting).
  • Calling unpublished versions (by SHA)
  • When publishing both public and private versions, which one does the algo page show?
  • Mention the syntax for calling latest revision without minor version (e.g. 2.0 or 2.0.* or whatever the sytnax is). And when might you use this?
  • And if 2.0.0 is public and 2.0.1 is private, which does 2.0.* call? Do "latest" or unversion calls do the same? (I don't actually know)
  • Plus the current details about major vs minor vs revisions - make sure this is in sync with the explanations on the new publishing wizard (launching soon)

All excellent points. @stephaniekim let's schedule this for next milestone??

Sorry, should have closed that milestone as the items are done and it's past due. Will create another one for next issues and put this in there.

This was done with #154