
Jupyter Notebook Not Working with prompt-toolkit==1.0.16

jbrache opened this issue · 0 comments

Running Mac OS 10.14.6
Using Conda 4.7.11

Having an issue where jupyter notebook keeps crashing on the console with errors, compatibility issue seems to be prompt-toolkit==1.0.16.

Repro Steps:

  1. Create a virtual environment with conda, these packages included (alternatively pip install later):
    conda create -n demoenv python=3.6 jupyter==1.0.0 gitpython==2.1.11 matplotlib==3.0.2 urllib3==1.24.3 retry==0.9.2 numpy==1.16.1

  2. Activate the demo environment:
    conda activate demoenv

  3. Pip install the following packages - could not add above due to not getting the repo's from common channels:

pip install tensorflow==1.12.2
pip install algorithmia==1.1.4
pip install prompt-toolkit==1.0.16

If you see the console output on pip install prompt-toolkit==1.0.16 it will show some compatibility issues with jupyter notebook.

  1. Launch Jupyter Notebook
    jupyter notebook

Jupyter notebook seems to crash on the compatibility with prompt-toolkit==1.0.16. If you follow the repro steps above, and do NOT pip install prompt-toolkit==1.0.16 you can run jupyter notebook fine and deploy the code with the sample notebook.

Console output attached: