
Walkthrough / User flow

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1. Start screen

  • friendly start screen, only few content elements shown.
  • DataSkop logo (centered)
  • Partner logos


  • Next button

2. Onboarding / Introduction

  • general explanation of this project
  • welcome text, what to expect, imagery etc.


  • Next button

3. Login

  • where the user signs in
  • explanation what to expect after login etc.
  • say, that the scraping process starts immediately after the login (as shown in Figma "storyboad") --> bad idea, see below


  • info boxes? info graphic?
  • maybe split in two screens?
  • we need an additional screen where the user explicitly starts the scraping process, see "Open questions/remarks" below


Choice between:

  • Google login
  • Dummy data login

4. Interface Explanation

  • explanation of user interface elements
  • could be implemented as an overlay to toggle it later from the sidebar
  • this is where the scraping in the background starts
  • the loading bar on the top right is shown and indicates the scraping process (animated icon, descriptive text), see #88


  • how to draw? svg? images?


  • Back button (logs user out; stops the scraping process)
  • Next button
  • clicking the loading bar toggles the YouTube scraping window, see #87

5. Explainer Scraping

  • explanation of "Scraping"


  • Next button (is disabled if scraping of user profile data has not finished)

6. Personal Data Viz

  • Profile data visualization
  • "experiment" data is being scraped in the background; loading bar at the top right is still active


  • Next button (is disabled if scraping is not finished yet)
  • Back button?

7. Autoplay Chain Viz

  • Autoplay Chain visualization
  • more "experiment" data is being scraped in the background; loading bar at the top right is still active


  • Next button (is disabled if scraping is not finished yet)
  • Back button?

8. News Viz

  • News visualization
  • more "experiment" data is being scraped in the background; loading bar at the top right is still active


  • Next button (is disabled if scraping is not finished yet)
  • Back button?

9. Search Viz

  • Search visualization


  • Next button
  • Back button?

10. Data overview ("Meine Daten")

  • overview of scraped data before submitting it
  • is accessible via the blue "Meine Daten" button at the top right but is shown at this point of the process


  • shouldn't there be a "Download" button to download all the data?


  • Next button
  • Back button

11. Questionnaire

  • Survey forms


  • is this Questionnaire mandatory/ can I skip it via a button?

12. Data donation

  • user creates a DataSkop account
  • user agrees to terms
  • user submits data


  • how big is this screen?

13. Success Screen (Final)

  • friendly last words to the user
  • newsletter, social media links etc.

Open questions/remarks:

  • the "Meine Daten" button is visible in the drafts the whole time, but we sometimes don't have data yet to dispplay. what do we do with it? only show it as soon some data is available? is this for returning visitors? are there returning visitors?
  • do we always provide a back button?
  • opinion: it's a bad idea to start scraping immediately after login. we need an additional screen where user decides to start the process. hiding this info in a block of text is not good. it also raises questions about the loading bar at the top right ("where did this come from? what triggered it?")