Modern Android E-commerce App

Static Badge AndroidAPI Kotlin JetpackCompose

Welcome to our modern e-commerce Android application! This application is designed to provide users with a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience right from their mobile devices. Built using the latest tools and libraries, our app offers a user-friendly interface for browsing products, adding items to the cart, and searching for specific items.

How to use:

This project utilizes the backend repository provided here: click here.





AuthScreen MainScreen DetailsScreen OnBoarding
Auth Main Details onboarding



  • Using Modern Android Development practices.
  • Implemented Clean Architecture. using Usecase, Repository pattern for data, and Hilt for injection.
  • MockK and unit tests are available for several classes.


🎯 Features

  • Browse a wide selection of products with detailed information and images.
  • Select Product Based on Categories
  • Product Discount Management
  • Search for specific products using keywords.
  • Add And Delete items to a shopping cart and manage quantities.
  • Secure User authentication using ProtoDataStore for Login or Register
  • Beautiful UI/UX
  • Inputs validation
  • And much more ...


Technical Details

  • Kotlin: Harness the power of Kotlin's concise syntax and advanced features for efficient Android development.

  • 🏠 MVVM Clean Architecture: Implement a scalable and maintainable architecture pattern for separation of concerns and easy code management.

  • 🚀 100% Jetpack Compose: Embrace Jetpack Compose for modern UI development, offering a declarative and efficient approach to building UIs.

  • 💎 Material Design 3: Adhere to Material Design guidelines for a cohesive and visually appealing user interface.

  • 💉 Dependency Injection: Utilize Hilt for dependency injection, promoting code modularity and testability.

  • ⚙️ Unit Testing: Ensure code reliability and maintainability through comprehensive unit testing practices.

  • And much more ...






  • JetpackCompose
  • Material Design 3
  • Modularization
  • Support Multiple Language
  • First offline Caching